Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Ph Balance and Chronic Diseases

Take a look at the following list. Have you experience any of these conditions? These are chronic illnesses that can happen when you are out of ph-balance:
1)     Chronic acid reflux
2)     Osteoporosis
3)     Kidney disease
4)     Muscle wasting
5)     Dissolution to bone
6)     Kidney stone formation
7)     Damage to the kidney
8)     Increased bone demineralization
9)     Calcium containing kidney stones
10) Metabolic bone disease
11) Calcium nephrolithiasis
12) Chronic muscle and joint pain
13) Chronic inflammation

          These chronic problems may typically come from improperly managed inflammation and acid/alkaline imbalances. When you're out of ph balance chronic inflammation can occur as a result of the increase of free radicals occurring in greater abundance than the body's ability to remove them. The call that oxidative stress.

          When you're too acidic your body becomes a breeding ground for unhealthy bacteria, yeast and fungi while an alkaline environment helps to keep things in check. We always think we catch a cold when we catch a bug or germ from someone else. I know you'll be surprised to learn that many common infections are actually caused by bacteria that we normally have in our body. And when we are too acidic, our bodies create fertile ground for these pathogens to multiply and flourish. Everything from a runny nose to skin eruptions, heartburn, eczema, inflammation, arthritis, poor circulation, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, a weakened immune system to the chronic diseases of aging can be tracked back in some way to an acidic inner terrain.  This leads to a toxic environment in your body.
          Here again is why ph balance is such a big deal. Our overall health can be affected.  Your body doesn't just sit back and accept being out of balance. It will start robbing alkaline minerals from your bones, teeth, muscles and organs. The biggest problem with losing alkaline minerals, is losing calcium from bones leading to osteopenia and magnesium
from muscles and organs leading to sarcopenia.(the degenerative loss of skeletal muscle mass)

         So tell me...what do you do to keep your body ph balanced? Love to hear from you. Follow us and add your comments below...and thanks for helping us out here.