Friday, December 14, 2012

Let's Get Through All The Whoopla!

With all the whoopla about ph balance, how do you make sense of it all?
Is it even necessary to be concerned about it? Right here we are going to take a close look and make sense of all the whoopla...ok? First of all the concept of p[H] goes back to 1909. So it's not a new fad. The Danish chemist Søren Peder Lauritz Sørensen at the Carlsberg Laboratory first introduced it. Then in 1924 it was revised to the modern pH. (notice no brackets [])The "p" standing for power or potential and the "H" meaning hydrogen. According to the Carlsberg Foundation pH stands for "power of hydrogen". I know what your saying. I can hear you..."So what! Here's the big deal...Ph balance in your body will affect whether or not you have problems with:
  • Chronic Diseases
  • Bone and Teeth Health
  • Weight Loss
  • Diet and Metabolism
Now that makes it a big deal. That's a huge affect on our over-all health. So let's see how we can optimize our ph balance and what affect it will have in these areas. So tell me..." What do you do to keep your body ph balanced? Add your comments below...and helps us out here. Thanks